by anthonykopiecki | Nov 29, 2021 | Anthony Kopiecki, Blog, Healthcare
What are the top healthcare administration trends for 2022? According to a recent article in Healthcare Administration Quarterly, three key trends will shape the future of healthcare management. Learn more about these three shifts in this blog post! More...
by anthonykopiecki | Sep 7, 2021 | Anthony Kopiecki, Blog, Healthcare
Health Information Systems is often confusing because of the two similar terms – EHR and EMR. In healthcare, it is essential to have a clear understanding of these terms. EHR stands for Electronic Health Record, and it is typically more recognizable with...
by anthonykopiecki | Sep 7, 2021 | Anthony Kopiecki, Blog, Healthcare
Now more than ever, it is vital to secure your health care facility from cyber-criminals. Attackers are more intent than ever before to steal personal information and hold it for ransom or use it for illicit purposes. So, here are three strategies health care...
by anthonykopiecki | Jun 15, 2021 | Anthony Kopiecki, Blog, Healthcare
You probably got into the healthcare industry because you are compassionate and like helping people, and those are both noble traits. But while it’s commendable to take care of others, doing so takes its toll on you. If you find yourself feeling anxious, hopeless, or...
by anthonykopiecki | May 17, 2021 | Anthony Kopiecki, Blog, Healthcare
Every country needs doctors. Whether you are an experienced doctor looking to live in a new country or a medical student wondering where you will plant your roots, we’ve put together a list of the best places in the world to practice medicine that aren’t...